Curel Numbers 2023
Sahil Six Months Cruel Numbers Report January - June 2023
Cruel Number Sixth Month Report 2023
Cruel Numbers 2022
Report Highlights
Sahil ‘Cruel Numbers 2022’ has been compiled by monitoring 81 national and regional newspapers daily. The objectives of this report are:- To present the data on the situation regarding violence against children (up to 18 years) in cases of sexual abuse, abduction/kidnapping, missing children, and child marriages.
- This data is relevant for researchers, academics, media houses, and legislators to work on strategies for the prevention of abuse against children.
- To contribute towards spreading awareness and information about different forms of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) to all segments of society.
Cruel Numbers 2021
Report Highlights
Sahil ‘Cruel Numbers 2021’ has been compiled by monitoring 88 national and regional newspapers daily. The objectives of this report are: • To present the data on the situation regarding violence against children (up to 18 years) in cases of sexual abuse, abduction/kidnapping, missing children, and child marriages. • This data is relevant for researchers, academics, media houses, and legislators to work on strategies for the prevention of abuse against children. • To contribute towards spreading awareness and information about different forms of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) to all segments of society. In the year 2021, the data on child abuse cases shows that a total number of 3852 cases have been reported in newspapers. These cases were reported from all four provinces including Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), and Gilgit Baltistan (GB). The data indicates that a total of 3852 cases include reported cases of child sexual abuse (CSA), cases of abduction, cases of missing children, and cases of child marriages. The data shows that more than 10 children have been abused per day during the year 2021. The cases of child abuse have increased by more than 30% as compared to the year 2020. The gender divide shows that out of the total reported cases of child abuse, 54% of victims were girls and 46% were boys. The reported age shows that children are most vulnerable to abuse in the age group of 6-15 years, in which more boys than girls victims were reported. Moreover, children as young as 0-5 years are also sexually abused. The abuser's category of Cruel Numbers 2021 indicates that acquaintances are still the most involved in child sexual abuse, along with service providers, family members, strangers, and women abettors, who have increased from 29 cases in 2020 to 86 cases in 2021. The geographical distribution of the data shows that out of the total 3852 reported cases, Punjab has the most cases. All other provinces have also recorded cases of child abuse. Out of the total 3852 reported cases, 2211(57%) cases are reported from rural areas and 1641(43%) cases are reported from urban areas. Of the total of reported cases, 84% were registered with the police. The cases of only CSA were 2275, with both genders equally victimized. A total number of 92 cases reported murder after sexual abuse. A total number of 1303 cases were reported of abduction, out of which 233 (18%) cases were reported of sexual abuse after the abduction. A total number of 438 cases of missing children were reported. In cases of child marriages, 80 cases were reported with 70 cases of girls, and 10 cases of boys.Cruel Numbers 2020
Report Highlights
This year, Sahil’s flagship publication of ‘Cruel Numbers 2020’ has been compiled by the monitoring of 84 national and regional newspapers, daily. The objectives of this report are: • To present the data of the situation regarding violence against children (up to 18 years) in cases of sexual abuse, abduction/kidnapping, missing children, and child marriages. • This data is relevant for researchers, academics, media houses, and legislators to work on strategies for the prevention of abuse against children. • To contribute towards spreading awareness and information about different forms of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) to all segments of the society. This year the data of child abuse cases shows that a total number of 2960 cases have been reported in newspapers. These cases were reported from all four provinces including Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), and Gilgit Baltistan (GB). In the year 2020, a slight increase can be seen in child abuse cases. These cases have increased 4% as compared to the last year’s data of 2019. The data shows that in a day more than 8 children have been abused during the year 2020. This year’s data shows that in the reported cases of child abuse, 51% of victims were girls and 49% were boys. The research shows that children are most vulnerable to abuse in the age group 6-15 years. More boys than girl victims were reported. Moreover, children as young as 0-5 years are also sexually abused. Analysis of the data reveals that in the year 2020, out of the total reported cases, 985 cases were reported of Sodomy, 787 cases were rape, 89 cases were pornography and CSA, and 80 cases were reported of murder after CSA, whereas 834 cases were reported of abduction. Cases of missing children and child marriages were 345 and 119 respectively. The Cruel Numbers data of the year 2020 reveals that acquaintances are on top of the list involved in 1780 cases of child abuse, 109 cases were service providers like {molvi, teacher, shopkeeper, driver, doctor, police}. A total of 91 cases were family members and relatives, and in 92 cases neighbors were involved. In 468 cases, strangers were involved in abusing children. The report found that in the geographical areas, 58% of cases were reported from Punjab province, 29% cases took place from Sindh, 7% cases from the KP, 3% cases from the Islamabad Capital territory, whereas 53 cases were reported from the Balochistan, 18 cases from Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK), and 4 cases were reported from Gilgit Baltistan (GB) as well. In the year 2020, out of the total 2960 reported cases, 1915 (65%) cases are reported from rural areas and 1045 (35%) cases are reported from urban areas. In the year 2020, reported cases of child abuse 87% of cases were registered with the police. This year, a total of 834 cases of abduction have been reported from newspapers. Out of these cases, 74% of cases were of girls, and 26% cases were of boys. In the year 2020, a total reported cases of abduction, 494 (59%) cases occurred in rural areas and 340 (41%) in urban areas. The analysis of the data shows that this year a total of 345 cases of missing children were reported, out of these cases 86% of cases were boys, and 14% cases were girls. In the year 2020, a total of 119 cases of child marriages were reported. Out of the total 119 reported cases, 95% cases were of girls, and 5% cases were of boys.Cruel Numbers 2019
Report Highlights
Sahil has compiled it's signature publication ‘Cruel Numbers 2019’ by the monitoring of 84 national and regional newspapers, daily. The objectives of this report are: • To present the data of the situation regarding violence against children (up to 18 years) in cases of sexual abuse, abduction/kidnapping, missing children, and child marriages. • This data is relevant for researchers, academics, media houses, and legislators to work on strategies for the prevention of abuse against children. • To contribute towards spreading awareness and information about different forms of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) to all segments of the society. The monitored data shows that a total number of 2846 cases have been reported in newspapers during the year 2019. These cases were reported from all four provinces including Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB). In the year 2019, the reporting of child abuse cases has decreased by 26% as compared to the year 2018. This year’s reported cases indicate 8 children are abused per day in Pakistan. Age-wise information shows that children are most vulnerable to abuse in the age group 6-15 years. More boys than girl victims were reported. The research shows that children as young as 0-5 years are also sexually abused. The major crime categories of the reported cases are 778 abductions, 405 missing children, 348 sodomy cases, 279 rape cases, 210 attempted rape, 205 gang sodomy, 115 gang rape. A total of 104 cases of child marriages were recorded by Sahil in 2019. A total number of 3722 abusers are identified, and 2222 were the acquaintances of the victims. Noting that the reporting of juvenile abusers had increased, Sahil has separately monitored data of juveniles who were involved in child sexual abuse from July to December 2019. Out of the total 2846 cases more than half (53%) cases reported from Punjab, 30% cases from Sindh, 7% cases from Islamabad capital territory, 6% cases from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), 2% cases from Balochistan, and less from Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Gilgit Baltistan (GB). Out of the total number of 2846 cases, 64% (1816) were reported from rural areas and 36% (1030) cases were reported from urban areas. Sahil for the first time is recording the data of pornography cases. A total of 35 incest cases were reported out of which 30 were girls and 5 boys. This year a total of 870 cases of abduction have been reported in newspapers. This year a total of 405 cases of missing children were reported. This report analyzes all the above data in detail.Cruel Numbers 2018
Report Highlights
Sahil working on child protection with a special focus on sexual abuse, has been publishing Cruel Number reports for the last two decades, which is based on data collected through monitoring online and printed newspapers, direct cases received at Sahil offices for free legal aid, and cases are also shared by other organizations working on CSA. This is the only in depth and updated research on child sexual abuse that is used as a reference not only by the national and international media and civil society, but also by the government departments for reporting to international conventions and charters that the government is signatory to. The data has also been referred in court cases, recorded in law journals, and has been of great help for other organizations to steer advocacy campaigns. The current publication is yet another addition to the systematic data analysis by Sahil of reported child sexual abuse cases. We hope this report will be informative for stakeholders in particular and the society in general. This year Cruel Numbers 2018 has been compiled from monitoring of 85 Newspapers (National and Regional). The data of child abuse shows that a total number of 3832 cases have been reported in newspapers during the year 2018. These cases were reported from all four provinces including Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB). These cases have increased of more than 11% as compared to the figure 3445 recorded in the year 2017. More than 10 children have been abused per day during the year 2018. The data shows that out of the total 3832 cases of child abuse, 55% victims were girls and 45% were boys. This year in the age brackets of 6-10 years and 11-15 years, boys are more vulnerable to child sexual abuse as compared to girls. In the age bracket 0-5 years and 16-18 years more girls are vulnerable to child sexual abuse. The major crime categories of the reported cases are, abduction 923, sodomy 589, rape 537, missing children 452, attempt of rape 345, gang sodomy 282, gang rape 156 and 99 cases of child marriages. This year the sodomy cases have increased by 61% and rape cases have been increased by15% as compared to the year 2017. This year 2018, a total number of 3832 cases were reported. Out of this 63% cases were from Punjab, 27% cases from Sindh, 4% cases from KP, 3% cases from Islamabad Capital Territory, 2% cases from Balochistan, 34 cases from AJK and 6 cases were reported from Gilgit Baltistan (GB). This year total reported cases, 86% cases were registered with the police, whereas in 56 cases police refuse to register the case, and 39 cases were unregistered with police. While in 11% cases the case registration status was not mentioned in newspapers. The cases of murder after sexual abuse are decreased by 16% (92) as compare to the 109 cases reported in the year 2017. In 2018, a total 1064 cases of abduction have been reported in newspapers. Out of these cases, 79% victims were girls and 21% were boys. This year a total 130 cases of child marriages have been reported in newspapers. Out of the total 130 cases of child marriages 85% were girls and 15% were boys.Cruel Numbers 2017
Report Highlights
Sahil working on child protection with a special focus on sexual abuse, has been publishing Cruel Number reports for the last 17 years, which is based on data collected through monitoring online and printed newspapers, direct cases received at Sahil offices for free legal aid, and cases are also shared by other organizations working on CSA. This year Cruel Numbers 2017 has been compiled from monitoring of 91 Newspapers (National and Regional). In 2016, overall 694 cases more were recorded than in this year 2017. In the year 2017, a total 3445 child abuse cases were reported in newspapers from all four provinces including Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Gilgit Baltistan (GB), and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The data reveals that now, in a day more than 9 children have been abused during the year 2017. The major crime categories of the reported cases are, abduction 1039, missing children 517, rape 467, sodomy 366, attempt of rape 206, gang sodomy 180, gang rape 158 and 109 cases of child marriages. This year 109 cases were reported of murder after sexual abuse, it shows that 9% cases have increased as compared to 100 cases reported last year 2016. A gender analysis shows that 58% girls and 42% boys have been murdered after sexual abuse in 2017. The statistics of Cruel Numbers shows that out of the total reported 3445 cases, (2077) 60% victims were girls and (1368) 40% were boys. A total number of 5284 abusers are identified, which includes the data of gangs involved in all the 3445 cases of abuse excluding 143 cases of child marriages. This year out of the total reported 3445 cases, 29% incident occurred in closed places, 15% cases have been occurred in open places, whereas in 1790 cases, the place of abuse was not mentioned in newspapers. Provincial divide statistics shows that, 63% cases were from Punjab, 27% cases from Sindh, 4% cases from Balochistan, 3% cases from Islamabad, 2% cases from KP, 12 cases from AJK and 3 cases from GB have reported in newspapers. Out of the total reported cases, 76% were from rural areas and 24% cases reported from urban areas. Cruel Numbers statistics show that 72% cases were registered with the police. Whereas in 99 cases the police refused to register the case, 44 cases were unregistered with the police and 797 cases registration status were not mentioned in newspapers. This year out of the total 3445 cases, 1746 cases of child sexual abuse only (excluding cases of abduction, child marriages and missing children) were reported. It shows that, 59% cases of sexual abuse were girls and 41% were boys. This year a total 1229 cases of abduction have been reported in newspapers. Out of these cases, 81% victims were girls and 19% were boys. The cases of murder after abduction and sexual abuse have increased as compared to the last year. Abduction and rape-murder cases have increased from 7 cases in 2016 to 15 cases in 2017. In this year 2017, total 143 cases of child marriages have been reported in newspapers. Out of the total cases, 89% were girls and 11% were boys. The provincial divide of child marriages indicates that, 63% cases from Sindh, 32% from Punjab, 5 cases from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 2 cases were reported from AJK. Out of the child marriages, 83% cases were reported from rural areas and 17% from urban areas.Cruel Numbers 2016
Report Highlights
Sahil working on child protection with a special focus on sexual abuse, has been publishing Cruel Number reports for the last 17 years, which is based on data collected through monitoring online and printed newspapers, direct cases received at Sahil offices for free legal aid, and cases are also shared by other organizations working on CSA. This is the only in depth and updated research on child sexual abuse that is used as a reference not only by the national and international media and civil society, but also by the government departments for reporting to international conventions and charters that the government is signatory to. The data has also been referred in court cases, recorded in law journals, and has been of great help for other organizations to steer advocacy campaigns. The current publication is yet another addition to the systematic data analysis by Sahil of reported child sexual abuse cases. We hope this report will be informative for stakeholders in particular and the society in general. This year Cruel Numbers 2016 has been compiled from monitoring of 86 Newspapers (National, Regional and Local). The objectives of this report are:-
- • To provide facts and figures about child sexual abuse and its dynamics.
- • To contribute to existing information on CSA in Pakistan.
- • To contribute towards spreading awareness and information about CSA to all sectors of the society.
Cruel Numbers 2015
Report Highlights
Sahil working on child protection with a special focus on sexual abuse, has been publishing Cruel Number reports for the last 17 years, which is based on data collected through monitoring online and printed newspapers, direct cases received at Sahil offices for free legal aid, and cases are also shared by other organizations working on CSA. This is the only in depth and updated research on child sexual abuse that is used as a reference not only by the national and international media and civil society, but also by the government departments for reporting to international conventions and charters that the government is signatory to. The data has also been referred in court cases, recorded in law journals, and has been of great help for other organizations to steer advocacy campaigns. The current publication is yet another addition to the systematic data analysis by Sahil of reported child sexual abuse cases. We hope this report will be informative for stakeholders in particular and the society in general.Cruel Numbers 2014
Report Highlights
This year cruel numbers 2014 has been compiled from 70 National, Regional and Local newspapers.
The fight against child sexual abuse is showing an increase in registration of cases. The total number of sexual abuse cases in 2014, stand at a staggering 3508 including 8 cases which were directly reported to Sahil and it brings the number of abused children to10 per day. This figure also shows an increase of 17% from the previous year.
Abduction cases have shown an increase of 7% from 1,706 cases in 2013 to 1831 in 2014. On average 5 children are being abducted every day.
The major crime category of rape/sodomy including gang rape and gang sodomy show that there were 1225 cases and 258 cases of attempted rape/sodomy, gang rape and gang sodomy.
An even more serious crime is committed when the victim is murdered. A total of 142 victims were murdered after sexual assaults.
Sahil has started recording child marriages since 2012 as it a sexual crime against young girls which is now being reflected in the print media. In 2014, 103 cases of child marriages were reported.
Gender-wise distribution follows trends of the previous years where more girls are victims of sexual abuse. This report shows that 2141 girls and 1367 boys have been abused.
A total of 6531 abusers are on record. The largest groups identified were 1790 acquaintances and 1246 strangers.
Like previous years, the highest percentage of vulnerable age group among both girls and boys was 11-15 years.
The data shows sexual abuse can occur anywhere, at any time, therefore children are not safe. Statistics show 38% of cases of sexual assault took place within enclosed areas whereas 21% case took place in open spaces.
The time period of abuse shows that 53% of the children were abused once. In 16% of the cases, children were abused for more than a day.
Province–wise division shows that 2054 cases of abuse were reported from Punjab, followed by 875 cases reported from Sindh, 297 from Balochistan, 152 from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 90 from Federal Capital Islamabad 38 from Azad Jammu Kashmir, 1 case from Gilgit Baltistan and one case was reported from FATA.
The Urban–Rural divide shows that 67% cases were reported from rural areas where as 33% of cases were reported from the urban areas.
Of all the cases 74% were registered with police, 7% were unregistered whereas in 28 cases police refused to register an FIR.
Click to download Cruel Numbers 2014
Cruel Numbers 2013
Report Highlights
This year cruel numbers 2013 has been compiled from 80 National, Regional and Local newspapers.
The fight against child sexual abuse is showing an increase in registration of cases. The total number of sexual abuse cases in 2013, stand at a staggering 3,002 including 5 cases which were directly reported to Sahil and it brings the number of abused children to 8 per day. This figure also shows an increase of 7.67% from the previous year.
Abduction cases have shown an increase of 6% from 1,600 to 1,706 cases. On average 5 children are being abducted everyday.
The major crime category of rape/sodomy including gang rape and gang sodomy show that there were 1225 cases and 202 cases of attempted rape/sodomy, gang rape and gang sodomy.
An even more serious crime is committed when the victim is murdered. A total of 148 victims were murdered after sexual assaults.
Sahil has started recording child marriages since 2012 as it a sexual crime against young girls which is now being reflected in the print media. In 2013, child marriages have shown an increase of 21% bringing the total to 91 cases compared to 75 cases last year.
Gender-wise distribution follows trends of the previous years where more girls are victims of sexual abuse. This report shows that 2017 girls and 985 boys have been abused. However, there is a phenomenal increase of 23% of abuse of boys incomparison to last year.
A total of 6,130 abusers are on record. The largest groups identified were 1,474 acquaintances and 1,067 strangers.
Like previous years, the highest percentage of vulnerable age group among both girls and boys was 11-15 years.
The data shows sexual abuse can occur anywhere, at any time, therefore children arenot safe. Statistics show 77.69% of cases of sexual assault took place within enclosed areas whereas 22.31% case took place in open spaces.
The time period of abuse shows that 53.76% of the children were abused once. In 17.96% of the cases, children were abused for more than a day.
Province–wise division shows that 2,003 cases of abuse were reported from Punjab,followed by 583 cases reported from Sindh, then 139 by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and 134 from Federal Capital Islamabad and 106 Balochistan. 35 cases were reported from Azad Jammu Kashmir and only 2 cases were reported from Gilgit Baltistan.
The Urban–Rural divide shows that 57.46% cases were reported from rural areas where as 42.54% of cases were reported from the urban areas.
Of all the cases 79.21% were registered with police, 7.89% were unregistered and status of 12.89% cases remained unknown.
Cruel Numbers 2012
Report Highlights
This report is compiled from cases reported in 86 national, regional and local newspapers in the year 2012.
Fighting against child sexual abuse is not easy in a country like Pakistan where the total number of sexual abuse cases reported in newspapers, in 2012 appears at a staggering number of 2,788. This figure shows a phenomenal increase of 17% cases from previous year. It can be assumed from the total number of cases that on average approximately 8 children were abused each day during 2012.
Abduction cases have shown an increase from 1112 to 1486. On average 3-4 children are being abducted every day.
The major crime categories reveal that out of the total 2788 cases, 17% cases were of rape/sodomy, 13% of gang rape/sodomy, 5% cases of sodomy /rape murder, 3% of attempted rape/sodomy and 3% cases were of early marriages reported in the year 2012.
Gender-wise distribution shows that more girls were victimized. The data also shows that 71 % girls in comparison to 29 % boys were sexually abused.
Furthermore, a total of 5,689 abusers attacked 2,788 children. The largest group identified was that of acquaintances, the second largest group being strangers, followed by perpetrators within the family.
Like previous years, the highest percentage of vulnerable age group among girls and boys remains 11-15 years.
The data shows sexual abuse can occur anywhere and at any time. Children are vulnerable everywhere. Statistics gathered by Sahil show 51% of cases of sexual assault took place within four walls in the home of the abuser or victim where as 15% case took place in open areas.
The time period of keeping the victim in captivity of by the abuser shows that 81 % of the children were abused once. In 3-4% per cent of the cases, children were abused for more than a day.
The Urban–Rural divide shows that almost 52% cases were reported from rural areas where as 47% of cases were reported from the urban areas. Around 83% cases were registered with police, 24 % were unregistered.